Maintenance Service
If you are experiencing a fire or any other life-threatening condition at the property, please dial 911 immediately.
National Home Rentals (NHR) is dedicated to providing our residents with safe, functional, and comfortable homes nationwide. Although these homes are delivered as-is, they may require repairs and maintenance from time to time. We have outlined the maintenance service guidelines below setting forth those items NHR will repair and those items for which you, as the resident, will be responsible.
All repair needs should be made through NHR’s resident maintenance portal. We want to help you avoid any unnecessary fees. Please remember there may be charges to your account for the following: damage caused by you or a guest, if an issue is not reported to us and causes damage, if someone over the age of 18 is not at your home during a visit, or if an appointment is cancelled in less than one business day.
National Home
Rentals Responsibility
- Air Conditioning not cooling or furnace not heating
- Water heater, plumbing leaks, garbage disposals, and major drain clogs
- Roof, foundation, and other structural items
- Refrigerators, stoves, ovens, and dishwashers
- Recurring and persistent water intrusion
- Garage doors and fences
- Weekly pool service
- Minor electrical items such as outlets, fixtures, and all light bulbs
- Minor plumbing items such as running toilets and single fixture drain clogs
- All interior walls and surfaces
- Thermostat batteries, furnace/return filter replacement, outdoor unit cleaning
- Water filters, water softeners, and icemakers
- Window screens and blinds Interior humidity levels and condensation
- Daily pool maintenance (water level and cleaning)
- Pest control, landscaping, and irrigation maintenance/winterization

Your home may be part of a Homeowners Association (HOA) or a municipality covered by certain rules and regulations to keep your neighborhood beautiful and safe. Please familiarize yourself with the expectations and restrictions that were provided as part of your Lease Agreement.